Polaris FM

Polaris FM

  • bottle
  • jar
  • can
  • canister

Automatic linear filling system

  • 2 – 16 filling nozzles
  • dosing by mass or magnetic flowmeters
  • high filling accuracy
  • easy to clean
max 6 600 / 3 400 / 440 pcs/h max 1 / 5 / 20l


Polaris FM is an automatic linear filling system with a dosing unit that is designed to automatically fill liquids by means of flowmeters. The flowmeters are distinguished by their high reliability, minimal maintenance costs and long lifespan. Depending on the type of product being filled, we use either mass or magnetic flowmeters.

Magnetic flowmeters are designed for products with a higher conductivity than 12µS (detergents, body soaps, shampoos, ketchups etc.).

Mass flowmeters measure the weight of the filled product and thereby eliminate the effect of temperature on the measured dose. The weight does not change at different filling temperatures. Mass flowmeters are used for filling non-conductive (distilled water, oil etc.) and flammable (thinner, alcohol etc.) products.

Depending on the desired speeds, the machine is equipped with 2 to 16 flowmeters (2 FM, 4 FM…16 FM). The required filling volume can be adjusted on the touch screen. It is possible to save your own filling formulas for each product and packaging. It is possible to set parameters such as the filling volume, filling speed, filling from the bottom or from the neck, rise while fill, movement speed of the filling nozzle etc.

The machine is standardly equipped with a pneumatic closing of the filling nozzles and filling from the bottom.

Technical data

Model Dose 1 000 ml
Recommended range of filling
100ml – 1 000ml
Dose 5 000 ml
Recommended range of filling
500ml – 5 000ml
Dose 20 000 ml
Recommended range of filling
1000ml – 20 000ml
Polaris 2 FM 900 pcs/hour 425 pcs/hour 160 pcs/hour
Polaris 4 FM 1 800 pcs/hour 850 pcs/hour 310 pcs/hour
Polaris 6 FM 2 400 pcs/hour 1 200 pcs/hour 440 pcs/hour
Polaris 8 FM 2 900 pcs/hour 1 700 pcs/hour
Polaris 12 FM  – double conveyor 4 800 pcs/hour 2 400 pcs/hour
Polaris 16 FM – double conveyor 6 600 pcs/hour 3 400 pcs/hour


* The output is approximate and depends on the specific type of bottles and caps



Our specialists will be happy to provide you with more information.